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Community Users

About the Collection

Description of the Collection

The Library houses a collection of over 247,000 volumes, 7,200 audio visual titles, over 600,000 electronic books, and maintains subscriptions to  over 5,000 periodicals. In addition, the Library offers access to over 330 databases; all are available remotely to UW-P faculty, staff, and students.

Special library collections include rare books, periodicals, first editions, art books, collections of works by noted local authors including Irving Wallace and David Kherdian, and a collection of 18th and 19th century British and American plays collected by the late H. O. Teisberg.

Collection Development Procedures

The responsibility for the selection of library materials is shared jointly by librarians and faculty. Each department has a librarian who acts as liaison to coordinate acquisitions for that department. The liaison is available to help identify materials in various formats for possible purchase.

New books and A/V materials can be requested by filling out the Suggest a Purchase form. The requestor will be notified when items are ready to circulate. Contact your liaison to discuss requests for new periodical subscriptions.

New books are normally sent to the new book shelf for four weeks. If a requestor wishes to have the book held for him/her after processing, please check the corresponding box on the web form. The book will then be held for one week at the Check-out Desk under the requestor's name. If it is not picked up in within 7 days, it will be taken off the hold shelf.

Using UW-Parkside Materials

Visitors to the UW-Parkside Library are welcome to explore our collections and conduct research. The number of computers is limited, and students doing research take priority. To borrow materials from the library, you may apply for a Community Borrower card.

Visitor Parking Information

There are several categories of users who may qualify as Community Borrowers:

Community Borrower ID Required Fee and Terms
Wisconsin resident 18 or older Photo ID $15 ($10 for seniors); card is valid for one year from date of issue; $15/year for renewal
Local high- or middle-school student School ID and guardian's consent Free; card is valid for one year from date of issue.
Non-Wisconsin resident 18 or older Photo ID $30; card is valid for one year from date of issue; $15/year for renewal
Carthage College and Gateway Technical College students, faculty, and staff School ID Free; card will be valid for the current semester and may be renewed as long as they are currently enrolled/employed at the respective colleges
UW-Parkside Alumni Photo ID and proof of enrollment Free; card valid for one year from date of issue. Free yearly renewal with verification.


Loan Periods

Loan periods vary depending on the type of material. Community Borrowers may borrow materials as follows:



Loan Period

Books (General Stacks)

28 days, 3 renewals


14 days, 1 renewal


14 days, 1 renewal


A borrower is responsible for all materials checked out with his/her card. Borrowers should make the check-out desk staff aware of any damage to an item before checking out. Borrowers are expected to return or renew borrowed items by the due date. A borrower’s responsibility does not end until materials have been returned to and discharged by the library.

Items Missing from the Shelves

If an individual has trouble locating an item in the library, s/he may go to the check-out desk and ask to fill out a search card. The library staff will search for the item. If/when the item is found, the requester will be notified by e-mail, and the item will be placed on hold at the check-out desk for 7 days. If the item is not found, it will be declared lost and a replacement decision will be made by the library liaison.

Returning Library Materials

During hours the library is open, return materials to one of the book drop slots located at the check-out desk. A book drop is available outside the library entrance in Wyllie Hall for patrons who wish to return books when the library is closed. The book drop is designed for books; the borrower is responsible for the condition of other library materials deposited in the book drop.

UW-P Library Fines and Fees

An item is overdue when it has not been returned within the specified loan period. For the convenience of borrowers, email notices are sent when items become overdue. Failure to receive a notice does not alter the borrower’s responsibility for an item. Individuals with outstanding fines or fees at any UW System library will have their borrowing privileges suspended.

Overdue fines are charged for materials that circulate for fewer than 28 days. The fine for overdue two- and four-hour material is $1.00/hour the library is open. The fine for overdue 1-day, 3-day, and 7-day reserve material is $1.00/day the library is open. All other material with loan periods of fewer than 28 days is fined $1.00/day per item for each day the library is open.

Lost items are those that have been overdue for more than four weeks. Lost item fees include the cost of replacement, generally $100,  plus a non-refundable $100.00 processing fee. These charges apply to each item lost. If a lost item is returned before payment is made, only a $15.00 processing fee is assessed; $85.00 of the processing fee is waived. If a lost item has been paid for and is later found and returned within one year of payment, the borrower is reimbursed the cost of the item but not the processing fee. After one year, no fees are refunded.

Theft and/or Mutilation of UW-P Library Materials

The UW-Parkside Library has a security system that is set off when someone exits without checking out library materials. When the security system is set off, individuals may be asked to open any bags for inspection. Unauthorized possession of library material may result in loss of borrowing privileges. Individuals should be aware that unauthorized possession of library materials violates Wisconsin State Statutes and may also result in prosecution. Persons who mutilate library materials are billed for the items damaged and may lose borrowing privileges. The minimum charge for mutilated items is the current cost of replacement or $75.00 if the item is out of print.




University of Wisconsin-Parkside Library   |   Contact Us
900 Wood Road Kenosha, WI 53141 | (262) 595-3432